3.1. Can we prevent cancer?
* Don't smoking. If you smoke, give it up.
* Eat vegetables. Is advisable to eat five pieces of fruits and vegetables a day, to limit amount of lipids and if you drink alcohol, do it with moderation.
* Do some kind of sport everyday and keep a healthy weight.
* Protect of the sun and use a sunscreen everyday.
* Speak with the doctor for put you vaccune against Hepatitis B and VPH.
* Avoid high risk behaviours which can expose you to infections asociated with some kind of cancer. That infections are caused through sexual intercourse or through contaminated water. That infections are VIH, VPH, Hepatitis B and C.
*You have to do medics and detection tests. They don't prevent cancer but they allow diagnose in early stages, when you can cure o controle it easily.
Yes, there is a big relation, because enviromental factors, nutrition and lifestiles play a important role in cancer causes, while gens impact in the big difference of cancer susceptibility from each one.
3.3 What are profesional diseases?
We call profesional diseases to a disease adquired in your work place and which is tipyfied like that for laws or in the BOE.
3.4. Is there relation between diet and people's health?
Yes, it appeared when Lavoisier said that the organism got energy to live throught aliments oxidation.
During s. XIX and XX, medical observation and animal (or biochemical) experimentation have demostrated the relation between alimentation and health.
Infectious diseases- for example AIDS, pulmonar infections, tuberculosis...- are today, very frequents death causes, especially in África.
Pregnancy and birth complications are too importants death causes in kids and women.
3.6. Can we prevent it?
Yes, we can, facilitating potable water access, sanitation, aliments, medicines...
3.7. What are principal death causes in developed countries?
Hipertension is the first death cause in developed countries, it is followed fow road accidents and violents acts, snuff, cancer and cronics diseases like ictus...
Generally, having a healthy life, don't taking detrimental substances, doing sport and visit regularity to the doctor can help to prevent diseases.
25 of each 100 death of young people is caused for a road accident, the second cause is suicide. Anxiety, depression, hopelessness, sadness are its causes.
Aggresions, road accidentes and other external causes. They are followed for AIDS, nervous system diseases, and accidental drownings.
In women' cases, diseases like neumony, obstetric causes and genitourinary system diseases are the principal death causes.
3.11. Can we prevent it?
Yes, through medical revisions, sport and healthy food. In some cases, some people can go to the psychologist for cure of their depressions and solve their problems.
3.12 What are sexual transmission diseases and how can we prevent it?
Sexual transmission diseases, called also "venereal", are infectious diseases infected through sexual contact. Some of them can be infected through no-sexual contact.
Which are sexual tranmission diseases' kinds?
There is a big diseases number which are transmitted through sexual contact and some of them can become epidemics..
Some of them are: Gonorrea, Sífilis, Genital Herpes, Clamidia, etc.
How can we prevent it?
-Know and limit the number of your sexual partners.
-Use condon. Use condon each time you have sexual relations decreases infection risk.
-Use espermicids. The most of the contraceptis creams, jellies and foams contains a chemical substance called nonoxynol 9, which can help to prevent some kind of venereal diseases.
-Avoid sexual practices with risks.
-Vaccinete you against Hepatitis B.
-Talk with your partner, when the couple talks, risk decreases and health improves for both.
-Watch carefully the body of the another person. Look for sexual transmission diseases' evidence like rashes, sores, skin irritations or secretion. If you find something weird, avoid sexual relations.
3.13. How can we prevent infectious diseases?
There are 10 ways to prevent infectious diseases.
1. Keep your vaccines actualized.
2. Wash your hands frequently, especially in flu seasons.
3. Be sure about what you eat, and be carefully in its preparation.
4. Use antibiotics exactly how they indicate you.
5. Inform to your doctor any infection which is worsening or isn't improving after taking prescribed antibiotics.
6. Be prudence with wild or domestics animals you don't know.
7.Avoid areas with mosquitoes.
8. Avoid unsafe sex and injection drugs.
9. Be careful with posibles diseases when you're travelling or you visite subdesarrollated areas.
10. When you fall ill, have time for cure you and recuperate you.