2.1 What are stem cells?
Stem cells are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms, that can divide (through mitosis) and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and can self-renew to produce more stem cells.
2.2 Are all stem cells alike?
No, there are 3 kind of stem cells:
-Totipotent: Each cell can develop into a new individual
2.2 Are all stem cells alike?
No, there are 3 kind of stem cells:
-Totipotent: Each cell can develop into a new individual
-Pluripotent: Cells can form any (over 200) cell types
-Multipotent: Cells differentiated, but can form a number of other tissues
2.3 Where can we get them?
We can get them in three places:
1) Bone marrow, which requires extraction by harvesting, that is, drilling into bone.
2.3 Where can we get them?
We can get them in three places:
1) Bone marrow, which requires extraction by harvesting, that is, drilling into bone.
2) Adipose tissue (lipid cells), which requires extraction by liposuction
3) Blood, which requires extraction through pheresis.
2.4 Is possible their therapeutic use?
Yes, it is possible. Usually, therapeutic use of stem cells is called "clonation" but it isn't true, because with their use, we try get more cells of any tissues, for cure it, we don't try to get new organisms from another one.
2.5. What is a clone?
A clone is a new organism formed from another one, through his DNA and stem cells.
A clone is a new organism formed from another one, through his DNA and stem cells.
2.6. Can you clone your pet?
Yes, it's possible but some society sectors, don't accept it. For get it, is necessary take some stem cells from your pet's stomach. However, success possibilities are low.
Yes, it's possible but some society sectors, don't accept it. For get it, is necessary take some stem cells from your pet's stomach. However, success possibilities are low.
2.7 What problem arises in human clonation?
Human clonation can cause some malformations and also it's wrong from moral viewpoint.
Human clonation can cause some malformations and also it's wrong from moral viewpoint.
2.8 Why people preserve navel strings?
Because stem cells from blood of navel strings can help to cure some disease. Trought stem cells we can make new healthy cells and replace othes damaeged cells.
Because stem cells from blood of navel strings can help to cure some disease. Trought stem cells we can make new healthy cells and replace othes damaeged cells.